Under the National Construction Code (NCC), new residential builds (housing, residential apartments, multi – dwelling development) as well as build extensions are required to achieve a minimum Star Rating with respect to the building envelopes ability to meet minimum heating and cooling loads (Thermal Comfort). Different climate zones across Australia require different approaches to meeting the minimum Star Rating.

At Ecomaxhomes we use the appropriate Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) (FirstRate5 – House Energy Rating approved rating software to  enter data to develop a simulation model of the residence to determine expected indoor temperatures based on data specific to that dwelling. WE will provide guidance regarding building materials, window and other products as well as other specifications.

The following elements are considered:


Dwelling orientation

Type of construction

Building materials/windows/products

Size and function of rooms

Size and specification of openings

The software will then model how much cooling or heating occupants may need to stay comfortable during a typical year. It does this by firstly simulating how the local climate heats and cools the house every hour of every day of the year.

This includes information on design and construction, climate and common patterns of household use. The software tools do not consider electrical appliances in the dwelling, apart from the air flow impacts from ceiling fans.

Once internal temperatures fall outside a comfortable range, the software models the need for heating and cooling on the assumption that the occupants of the house will firstly open and close windows and any blinds or awnings to restore comfortable internal temperatures (when it makes sense to do so) before using any heating or cooling system. The total estimated annual heating and cooling requirements are then converted to a star rating out of 10 stars

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(346) 352-4623

1234 Divi Dr. San Francisco, CA 93522

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